A 6 week circle for girls to feel positive and prepared for their young womanhood

sonoma county, california

DISCLAIMER: While I offer education and counseling to adults about birth control methods, sex, and sexual behavior, we do not cover these topics in Cycle Sisters. Please read through the course syllabus and FAQ section on this page carefully to understand exactly what we do and do not discuss in Cycle Sisters. All other pages on my website pertain to adult education, and should not be misconstrued with what’s included in Cycle Sisters.

What if…

When girls have period-positive values modeled for them, they blossom into confident young women who know themselves and their bodies without doubt, shame, or silence. That’s why having other like-minded girls and a supportive mentor to learn will help them get there.

Cycle Sisters is a 6-week program for girls ages 10 - 13 that offers body-positive and feminist-based puberty education in a warm and supportive community setting so they can feel prepared and excited for their coming of age time. We believe being a girl and having cycles is a blessing, not a curse!

We will explore coming of age traditions around the world, body image, hormones, fertility, ovulation, menstruation, cycle tracking, menstrual care and wellness, and global and historical perspectives around periods. In our virtual classroom we will have story sharing, talk time, slideshows, videos, games, trivia, and lots of awesome visual aids and props!  

Held live in Sonoma County, CA!



  • Want your daughter to learn more about her cycles beyond just periods and products?

  • Want feminist-based education that challenges the dominant period-negative narrative?

  • Want tips for supporting your daughter (and yourself) through the coming of age years?

  • Want your daughter to feel excited about her coming of age and to learn about global and historical traditions?

  • Want to be able to talk openly about periods products and menstrual care with your daughter?

  • Want your daughter to feel STOKED about being a girl and having cycles?

  • Want your daughter to have a safe, supportive space to ask questions, share stories, and learn alongside other girls?

Sophia, Age 11

“I've been to many different puberty classes but never learned as much as I did in Cycle Sisters. Caitlin is such a joyful and kind person that I can't help but smile when I step into our circle. I hope I can attend more of these classes soon!”

  • We'll establish agreements and logistics for our time together, play some “get to know you” games, and learn about coming of age traditions from around the world.

  • We'll discuss what constitutes beauty, how to like and love your body, and discuss how female bodies are seen in our communities and the world overall.

  • We'll learn about physical, emotional, mental, and social changes that accompany puberty for both girls and boys.

  • We'll learn all about cycles, ovulation, hormones, and fertility.

  • We'll talk about how to prepare for and care for ourselves during menstruation and how to manage the changes that having cycles brings as well as options for charting your cycle. We'll look at the different types of conventional, organic, and reusable menstrual products available, and learn about how women throughout history and the world have handled their flow.

  • The girls will welcome their moms to the circle with a potluck, red thread ceremony, skit sharing, songs, and celebrating our time together.

  • A special Moms' Circle where you'll learn the same amazing menstrual cycle education your daughter is getting, tips for understanding teen cycles, and connection with other moms about mothering adolescent girls.

DISCLAIMER: While I offer education and counseling to adults about birth control methods, sex, and sexual behavior, we do not cover these topics in Cycle Sisters. Please read through the course syllabus and FAQ section on this page carefully to understand exactly what we do and do not discuss in Cycle Sisters. All other pages on my website pertain to adult education, and should not be misconstrued with what’s included in Cycle Sisters.

Heather, mom

My daughter is more aware and asking questions that she never has before. She keeps telling me 'I had no idea about...' after each class. This course has provided a wonderful jumping-off point for my daughter and I's communication, making the topic of puberty more comfortable for us both”

  • This course does not teach about sex beyond the basics of reproduction. We do review female and male anatomy, including self pleasure (masturbation), the clitoris, wet dreams, and spontaneous erections. We will have a Question Box that students can use to ask whatever question they wish. Each question will be carefully considered by me before giving an answer. If something seems too advanced for the group, a brief and tactful response will be given.

  • We DO discuss: anatomy and physiology including the clitoris; male anatomy and physiology including wet dreams and spontaneous erections; masturbation (aka self pleasure); fertility and the process of fertilization and the means to which that happens: sperm and egg, either via sex or ART.

    We DON'T discuss: Sex beyond reproduction, sexual behavior, birth control methods (I may mention them in passing), gender or sexual identity.

    We MAY discuss: Reproductive health and various conditions (endometriosis, prolapse); misogyny and sexualized content; birth; and other topics that pique the girls' interest around cycles, puberty, crushes, and relationships.

  • Yes! We welcome girls from different levels of maturity. Regardless of where they are in regards to menarche, this class offers the education they need to feel comfortable and prepared for their cycles either now or in the future.

  • Most of the students who come to Cycle Sisters are initially hesitant, but that resistance starts to break down when they learn about just how incredible the female body is. Giggle fits and blushing are totally okay and part of the process! Many parents report that their daughter has an easier time talking about puberty after coming to class.

  • ​To ensure confidentiality and a safe container for my students, no classes will be recorded. This course is meant to be co-creative and lively in the moment with what each unique group of girls is wanting and needing.

  • ​If you or your daughter finds this course unsatisfactory for any reason after the first class, I will offer 1/2 back on tuition. Usually it takes students 2-3 classes to really warm up to this program, so I encourage your daughter to stick with it! I have never had a student NOT return to class.

  • ​Cycle Sisters is very much made for girls who need a gentle, loving guide to introduce them to puberty and all it contains. I find that girls resonate best with this program if they are at least a little curious, eager to connect with other girls, and interested in tapping into the magic and wonder of their young womanhood. If your daughter is ready to dive deeper into topics like relationships and sexuality, this class will not be advanced enough for her.

DISCLAIMER: While I offer education and counseling to adults about birth control methods, sex, and sexual behavior, we do not cover these topics in Cycle Sisters. Please read through the course syllabus and FAQ section on this page carefully to understand exactly what we do and do not discuss in Cycle Sisters. All other pages on my website pertain to adult education, and should not be misconstrued with what’s included in Cycle Sisters.

Junny Jade, age 12

Cycle Sisters is a welcoming, enjoyable class that every girl NEEDS to attend. I learned so much! I think it is amazing how strong the uterus is. I also found it fascinating that our cycles have so many connections with nature.

I want to tell other girls that this is a very fun class and the teacher is amazing. And also that it is a very helpful class and you learn a lot.”

Led by:  

Caitlin has been leading Cycle Sisters for girls since 2016, and loves nothing more than to watch her students blossom from feeling embarrassed about puberty to being excited, curious, and amazed by the wonders of the female body.

As a Certified Fertility Awareness Educator and Functional Hormone Specialist, Caitlin brings her expertise of the menstrual cycle to girls (and moms!) while making the material fun, playful, accessible, and entertaining.

Caitlin hope to inspire her students and their parents to view the menstrual cycle as a force of vitality, healing, and power, rather than something to be suppressed or feared. Let’s change the paradigm together.

Katie is a multidisciplinary artist who creates with her hands and heart to inspire more interdependent communities. She works as a retreat and postpartum chef, gardener, and yoga teacher.

Ages 10-12 were deeply formative years in Katie’s own early adolescence, which is one reason why she is co-facilitating this class. She brings her own experience from wilderness immersion and ceremony, studies in movement, body care, and deep listening. 

Katie’s wish in this class is to welcome and support each girl’s own unique gifts and experiences through cultivating safe space, loving witnessing, and play.